Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave therapy is not electrical as many think. It is a mechanical delivery of high frequency vibration to an area of injury which will “kickstart” the body’s healing process to help promote recovery and remodelling of damaged tissue causing pain.
Shockwave is used to treat:
- Frozen Shoulder
- Golfer’s Elbow/Tennis Elbow
- Heel Pain
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Calcific tendinopathy
Contact us to see if Shockwave Therapy is right for you.

Storz Duolith SD1 Radial Shockwave
The high-performance »FALCON« R-SW handpiece allows the radial module to be operated independently of the control unit.
- Control functions all integrated into the FALCON handpiece display and tablet.
- Extended energy range: 0.3 – 5 bar
- Frequency – 1-21 Hz
- Radial Handpiece with »Skin Touch« sensor
- 4 connections: 2 x R-SW, 1 x V-ACTOR®
- Vibration therapy with V-ACTOR® handpiece
- VACU-ACTOR® vacuum therapy
- R-15 and D-20s Transmitters for the »FALCON«Hand piece