Massage Therapy
Our registered massage therapists work with the soft tissues and joints of the body. They use various massage and soft tissue release techniques, hydrotherapy applications and stretches during the treatment which are appropriate to the stage and severity of the patient’s condition.
Goals of Massage Therapy
In the short term, our massage therapy clinic aims to decrease pain, inflammation, swelling, spasms and trigger points with techniques and hydrotherapy appropriate to the degree and stage of healing (acute, sub acute and chronic). Our long term goals include the elimination of adhesions, increased range of motion and restricted joints and the strengthening of weakened muscles.
Our registered massage therapists have training and to address the following:
- Stress and anxiety management
- Headaches
- Strains and sprains
- Adhesive capsulitis and frozen shoulder
- Repetitive strain injuries and tendonitis
- Whiplash
- Low back pain
- Pregnancy massage

Overall Wellness and Relaxation Massage
Therapy is the assessment and treatment of soft tissue and joint dysfunction and pain. Massage can help restore flexibility and range of motion as well as increase overall wellness and relaxation.

All types of Massage Therapies
Therapies can include myofascial release, thai massage, acupuncture/ electro-acupuncture, therapeutic ultrasound and taping, IFC, joint mobilization, home exercise and cupping therapy.