From Posture Assessment to Custom Treatment

CK Chiropractic’s Golf Packages will help you to feel better, play better and enjoy golf more.  Each package includes an Initial Assessment with Dr. Calvin Kim who will examine your posture, alignment, spine, muscles and feet. 

Golf is a very complex sport that utilizes all parts of the body to execute a proper swing.  The golf swing stresses one side of the body more which leads to alignment issues, muscle imbalances that need to be addressed so that you can play our best golf.

Most Golfers will suffer from


Posture Assessment

Posture / Range of motion of joints / Strength of joints / Flexibility of muscles / Balance / proprioception


Build Program

Build treatment plan for your Swing / Power / Distance / Injury prevention & recovery



Spinal and hip manipulations / Mobilization and passive stretching / Shockwave / Orthotics

Regular Golf Package

Type2 Month Package 3 Month Package
Chiropractic Package $800 Initial Assessment and 8 treatments$1200 Initial Assessment and 12 treatments
Chiropractic & Shockwave Package $1300 Initial Assessment and 8 treatments of Chiropractic and Shockwave (elbow and shoulder issues)$1500 Initial Assessment and 12 treatments of Chiropractic and Shockwave (elbow and shoulder issues)

Junior Golf Package

Initial assessment will address the spine, muscles, posture, alignment and feet. Two times a week for the first 4 weeks and then once a week.

Type2 Month Package 3 Month Package
Chiropractic Package $1000 Initial Assessment and 12 Chiropractic treatments$1300 Initial Assessment and 18 Chiropractic treatments

Massage Therapy for Junior Golfers: 6 sessions for $550 with a Registered Massage Therapist

Senior Golf Package

Senior golfers usually suffer from muscle tension as well as spinal alignment issues. This package addresses both. A combination of Chiropractic to address the spinal and alignment/postural issues and Massage Therapy to treat the muscular issues.

Type2 Month Package 3 Month Package
Chiropractic & Massage $1400 8 Chiropractic and 8 Massage Sessions$2100 12 Chiropractic Sessions 12 Massage Sessions